





2011/01/15 NA

Which kind of skill do you admire most? Sport skill, language skill, or art skill. Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.


2011/01/15 NA

Do you think all high school students should take economic classes? Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.


2011/02/05 NA

What personal quality do you admire most? Creativity, courage or intelligence? Why?


2011/02/05 NA

Listen to music while studying?


2011/02/11 NA

Describe a positive experience and its influence on you. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/02/11 NA

Some people prefer to listen to music while they are studying or working. Others prefer to stay in a quiet place. Which way do you prefer and way?


2011/02/12 NA

Which is better, independent learning or studying in groups? 


2011/02/12 NA

Do you think kids should get paid for doing housework?


2011/02/26 NA(与当天大陆重复)

One of your friends has been offered a job in a town far away from home. Do you think your friend should take this job? Why or why not? Please include details.


2011/02/26 NA(与当天大陆重复)

When preparing for exams, some students like to study in group, while others like to study alone. Which do you prefer and why?


2011/03/04 NA

College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories. What's your view? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.


2011/03/04 NA

Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why?


2011/03/11 NA

In your opinion, what are the important characteristics of a good school? Please use reasons and specific examples to support your answers.


2011/03/11 NA

What kind of job will you choose? A job through which you can get a lot of money or a job through which you can get personal satisfaction? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/03/19 NA

Your friend wants to build up a restaurant. What suggestions would you like to give regarding food and location. Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.


2011/03/19 NA

Is it true that university students today must work harder than before to get a good job? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.


2011/04/02 NA

Why the university is the best place to promote knowledge on environmental protection? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.


2011/04/02 NA

Some people play games for enjoyment. Some people play games just for winning. What about you? Please give your opinion and explanation.


2011/04/15 NA

Describe the most important development of your country in the past 20 years, and explain its significance. Please include details and examples in your response.


2011/04/15 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/04/23 NA

Describe something you write that is very important to you. It could be a letter, a poem, an essay. Explain why you think it is important.


2011/04/23 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the government should not rebuild the city. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.


2011/05/07 NA

Describe a place where people in your town like to gather.


2011/05/07 NA

Do you think it is better to attend a bigger class or a smaller class?


2011/05/13 NA(与09年10月24北美重复)

Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation.


2011/05/13 NA(与09年10月24北美重复)

Some people prefer to live in a place for most of their life. Other people prefer to change their address time to time. Which one do you prefer and why? Please give specific reasons to support your idea.


2011/05/14 NA

How to deal with homesickness? Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/05/14 NA

Which one would you like to choose: 1.coures relating to a specific career 2.a variety of courses. Please explain your choice with specific examples and details.

你会选择哪种:1. 和职业相关的课程 2.各类课程. 提供你的选择及细节和例子

2011/06/10 NA

Many students want to improve their study records. Do you have any suggestion to them?


2011/06/10 NA

Some people prefer to go shopping only when they need to buy something. Other people like to shopping even they don’t have certain things to buy. Which would you prefer?


2011/06/17 NA(与10年3月27大陆重复)

Compare the differences between two singers you like. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.


2011/06/17 NA(与10年3月27大陆重复)

Some people like to get advice from parents or grandparents, while some people like to get help from their peer. Which do you prefer and why? Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/06/25 NA

The school canteen wants to change recipes to provide healthy and low calorie food. Please talk about the possible advantages and disadvantages of this decision with specific reasons.


2011/06/25 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching sports programs on television is not a good use of time. Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.


2011/07/08 NA

Your friend is going to choose his/her major. What suggestions do you have for your friend?

你的朋友要选专业 你有什么建议

2011/07/08 NA

Do you agree or disagree that eating healthy food is much easier now than 40 or 50 years ago?


2011/07/23 NA

Among the following three professions, which do you respect the most: photographers, musicians or painters. Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.


2011/07/23 NA

Some people like e-books. Some people prefer paper books. Which one do you prefer and why? Please give specific reasons to support your idea.


2011/08/05 NA

Describe the differences between two schools you've ever attended. Please include specific reasons and details in your answerr.


2011/08/05 NA

Do you prefer to buy an electronic product as soon as it becomes available in the market or do you prefer to wait and buy it until it has been in the market for a while? And why is that?


2011/08/20 NA

A high school plans to add an extracurricular activity for students. What kind of activity would you recommend? Using details and examples, and explain why.


2011/08/20 NA

Do you agree or disagree that people will read fewer books in the future. Please give specific reasons to support your idea.


2011/09/09 NA

Think of a book that you have not read but are interested in reading. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.


2011/09/09 NA

Some people like to have their cell or mobile phone with them at all times. Other people prefer not to bring their cell or mobile phone with them everywhere they go, or they choose not to own one at all. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


2011/09/16 NA

Describe a difficulty you once met. Explain how you overcame this difficulty. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/09/16 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The first year students should live with senior students. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/09/24 NA

Describe the differences between two cities that you have visited. Give details and examples to support your response.


2011/09/24 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should encourage students to use computers since primary school. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/10/08 NA

How can you ensure that you can finish the assignment on time when the studying work is heavy? Please include details in your answer.


2011/10/08 NA

When going on vacation, do you prefer to have outdoor activities or indoor activities? Please include examples and details in your answer.


2011/10/22 NA

Your university plans to ask each student to do 40 hours of community service per year. What is your opinion on it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this program? Please include reasons and details to support your response.


2011/10/22 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A good school must have many textbooks. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/10/29 NA

Your university plans to ban the use of laptop in the classroom. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this decision? Give your opinions with specific reasons.


2011/10/29 NA

Some people prefer to live in a place for most of their life. Other people prefer to change their address time to time. Which one do you prefer and why? Please give specific reasons to support your idea.


2011/11/05 NA

what can be done to reduce the use of private cars and other vehicles to solve the traffic problem? Please give the answer with examples and details.


2011/11/05 NA

Do you think government should spend funding to save the animals on the verge of extinction? Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.


2011/11/19 NA

Describe your favorite unverisity. Please include specific details in your response.


2011/11/19 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person needs talent to be an artist. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2011/12/01 NA

What the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to eat in class? Please include specific details in your response.


2011/12/01 NA

Someone likes to collect old things, someone throws things away after they wear out. What about you? You would use past experience to support your response.


2011/12/09 NA

How to improve the quality of teaching in your country? Include reasons and details to support your response.


2011/12/09 NA

Some people like the talking book, some people like the paper book. Which one do you like and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


2011/12/09 NA

Some people like e-books. Some people prefer paper books. Which one do you prefer and why? Please give specific reasons to support your idea.


2011/12/17 NA

People have a lot of ways to make friends. What do you think is a good way to make friends? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.


2011/12/17 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to remember the past and I learn from the past. Please use specific reasons to support your answer.


  1. 1. 2011年独立口语串讲