Terminal Basic

Shell Language

  • The most popular shell language is Bash.
  • Modern MacOS versions ship with Zsh instead of Bash
  • ~: is shorthand for the user’s home directory. e.g. “/Users/wayne”
  • -: bounce back and forth between two directories
    • gco - even can change between Git branches
  • pwd: Print Working Directory
  • ls: List
  • cd: Change Directory
  • cd ..: change to the parent directory
    • can add alias .. or ...

Other Command

  • ⌃ + L: clear (while terminal is idle)
  • ⌃ + K: clear (even while the shell is busy)
  • &&: Chaining commands


The Front-End Developer’s Guide to the Terminal

  1. 1. Shell Language
    1. 1.1. Navigation
    2. 1.2. Other Command
  2. 2. 参考链接